Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Since it's the holiday season, I was reminded of our visit to Cana, where the very first miracle of Jesus was performed, to the prodding of her mother, Mary.

The pilgrim couples had the opportunity to renew their wedding vows at the church in Cana. I was even "Ninang" (sponsor) to a couple, assisting in the veil rites.

After the solemn renewal of vows (that proceeded like a mass wedding for there were about a dozen couples), we shared a taste of a grand wedding cake and some Cana wine. Cool!

I was imagining being one of the guests at the wedding in Cana, when the water was turned into wine.

I was also fortunate to have seen a huge stone jar where they used to keep stock of the water. Look!

Miracles, way back then were huge as well, blind that see, cripple that walk, lepers that were cleansed, the dead resurrected, walking on water, water to wine.

Nowadays, there are still huge miracles and healing, we just have to open our hearts to them. Let us keep on believing.

And if we are in dire need of one (miracle), we can ask the help of Mary, our mother, to ask Jesus to perform it for us just like what happened in Cana.

Happy New Year everyone!!!

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